

This homepage is mainly in Norwegian and aimed at a Norwegian audience.

My international contributions are closely linked to two fields of unique experience and expertise.  

The Diversity Icebreaker Concept (Trialogue) is an assessment of cognitive styles, combined with an experiential learning seminar. This is either executed as a tailor-made seminar by myself or through train-the-trainer programs. The concept is also applied in the context of cross-cultural interaction and management.

Moreover, through many years of research and consultancy work, I have developed a strong competence in the field of Scandinavian work culture, where delegation, involvement and empowerment are standard ways of working compared to other countries.

I also regularly appear as a keynote speaker internationally.

Further opportunities to apply my expertise outside Scandinavia is always welcomed.

Click here for a full CV (English version).

Contact details:

Phone: +47 908 75 547

 E-mail: bze@human-factors.no